Colloque Lettres - langues - philosophie Du 31 janvier 2019 au 01 février 2019 9h30-17h15 LabEx COMOD CColloque international | Theory of logic and epistemology in Hegel’s philosophy PROGRAMME:January 31, 2019 Chairman : Jean-Michel Buée09:30 AM : INTRODUCTION LOGIC AND IDEALISM10:00-11:15 AMRobert Pippin: Idealism and Anti-Idealism in Modern European Thought 11:30 AM-12:45 PMPaolo Giuspoli: Reality in Question : Hegel’s Idealism in a Logical SenseSPECULATIVE LOGIC AND ORDINARY LOGIC14:30-15:45 PMEmmanuel Renault: From Logical Forms to Logical Formalism 16:00-17:15 PMOlivier Tinland: Proposition and Judgment in Hegel’s LogicFebruary 1, 2019 Chairman : Jean-François KervéganKNOWLEDGE AND OBJECTIVITY10:00-11:15 AMMyriam Gerhard: Hegel’s Logical Quest of Objectivity 11:30 AM-12:45 PMDavid Wittmann: The Idea of KnowledgeLOGIC AND REALPHILOSOPHIE14:30-15:45 PMChristophe Bouton: Before the Creation of Nature and of a Finite Spirit 16:00-17:15 PMPaul Redding: Hegel’s Logic in Relation to Goethe’s Theory of ColoursOrganisé par l’IHRIM-UMR 5317 et le LabEx COMOD ENS de Lyon - Bâtiment Buisson 19 Allée de Fontenay, 69007 Lyon, France Salle D8-001